The Strap
While ensickened, I learned how to crochet a basic block from the internet. Didn't have any yarn, so I used 5 strands of sewing thread together and made this sick ass strap for my camera. It's 4' by 2".

I sewed a backing of silk onto it to keep the shape, and for reversability.
The thread-into-yarn turned out to be a pretty good racket. To keep it together and untangled, I took a block of foam, jammed 5 bamboo skewers upright in it to be spindles, and put each spool of thread on one. Fixed the foam to a surface. Drawing on the multiple line while crocheting was just like pulling yarn from a skein.
Well, I went ahead and made a bag for the camera. You know — to attach the strap to.

The camera bag goes drinkin'.
The blur to the far right is Scott.

Thanks, TomJ!
(I just added the bag I made for the camera.)
Julie, I am mildly afraid of ever visiting you again for fear of getting drunk, passing out, and waking up as part of a project.
On second thought, winding up as part of some epic macrame would probably be a lot cooler than the kinds of places I usually end up after passing out.
Man. People who make things.
Now don't scoff, I've saved a lot of money over the years making my own chartered jets and VCRs.
dang now you are strapped!
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