Friday, December 17, 2004

The final countdown

It's the last weekend before holidays, time for me to begin all my shit and then complete it as well. I can do this.

(Particularly because for my mom's side of the family, we have agreed to do ultra-cheap but resourceful thrift store shopping this year, as everyone is trying to save money for one reason or another. This means I can largely avoid the tangles of frenzied shopping-orgy traffic, and the acrid scent of guilty, panicking shoppers.)

Looks like we'll be in Sacramento for Christmas after all! There have been numerous fluctuations in our travel plans over the last two weeks:

1. Drive only to Sacramento
2. Fly to Sacramento and Tucson (hitting both sets of families)
3. Work some fun in for ourselves by leaving early, driving to Sacramento, then driving to Zion and Sequoia Nat'l Parks to stay a night at each, then down to Tucson, and back home.
4. Change of plans due to ill family member: I leave immediately for Sequim, Washington
5. Nope, now we're back to driving to Sacramento

Yesterday was a day of feasting, as Jon, Evan, Jose, my dude and myself all convened at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles and had chicken and waffles. Later, we enjoyed some fine Craftsman Holiday Ale (you can really taste the spruce) and met up with Pinguino at Lucky Baldwin's! Back to my house where Ferocious J distributed gifts and happiness, and we took pictures of ourselves in a particular hat for highly nefarious purposes. Fine, fine times.



At 12:58 AM, Anonymous

Chicken and Waffles? WHAT?


At 9:14 AM, Julie

I absolutely demand that you head 5 hours south and partake of some chicken and waffles.

I will brook no opposition.

This is a threat.

At 4:48 PM, K

Oh noes!

At 8:12 PM, Julie

What the dickens, who are you, mysterious 'K'?

At 8:25 PM, Julie

(I am laboring under the assumption that you are Karin)

At 7:20 AM, Aristotle

Bringing up the Blogger profile reveals it is the person posting to! Who could that be? The quest for truth continues!


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