I went to the anti-Prop 8 protest that happened on Saturday, and it was remarkable for being the first such event I've attended that managed to stay on-message the entire time -- at no point did I see anybody with signs that said "Meat is Murder!" or "Free Mumia!" It was
excellent. But after a while, I started to want something else, things that might be impossible.
For instance: could somebody with real, actual legal knowledge and situational relevance make a website or even just a blog post that contains things like
- Actual legal strategies currently being prepared and/or deployed against Prop 8
-- Anything that made its being on the ballot substantively illegal
-- Anything intrinsic to the proposition itself that contravene the state or federal constitution
-- Other court-based precedents for striking down Prop 8
- Real, actual ways in which the rest of us can help
-- Probably by donating some money
-- Or maybe volunteering for specific organizations
I got to thinking that it was nice to see this many people who are against that piece of shit, but after a while it started to dawn on me that we were really just there to be counted, and the actual work was (or at least should have been) taking place elsewhere.
I also admit that I thought to myself "Man, this many people working together in one location could really
destroy something." What if
1. You could get this many people together outside each Mormon temple
2. Protesters entered the building in teams and removed everyone inside the building in a nonviolent manner (videotaping everything for YouTube)
3. Protesters confirmed the building was empty
4. Protesters burned the place to the ground
5. Protesters then seeded the roasted earth with highly radioactive isotopes, so that nothing useful could be done with that land for hundreds of years
I freely admit that there are big problems with steps 2 and 5 (what's to prevent the isotopes from leaching into the water table with the rainwater, for instance?), but it's nice to think about, at least. And yes, the Mormons would probably just rebuild all their temples, but it'd give them something constructive (ha!) to do with their money instead of fund legislative discrimination.