Dogblog update tonight -- I made it just before February ended, too!
Time for The Shield.
Have an excellent evening/morning/what-have-you.
Dogblog update tonight -- I made it just before February ended, too!
Something I've recently begun to say when something meets with my approval: "Brilliant." This bothers me a little because I'm not British at all. Nobody else seems to think this is a concern, but I still feel [pilkington] like a bit of a wanker. [/pilkington] Like it's an affectation or something. It's not! I just picked it up from someone and now I can't seem to stop. It'll go away eventually.
- That even with a damn week in New York, you could still lack the time to see about a dozen people
This is why there's a Jon-shaped hole in the internet. Service will be restored with regularity probably next Monday or so. Go forth and conquer.
Something I appreciate in breakfast cereal that I'd forgotten about until fairly recently: You know how when you're done eating a bowl of Cocoa Puffs, you end up with chocolate milk? Well, when you're done eating a bowl of Trix, you get strawberry milk. I like that. It's sort of a bonus.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who showed up last night at the show; it went pretty well, apparently! Hopefully I'll have some recorded versions of those songs relatively soon.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) (Valentine's Day)
It's too warm for the winter coat. I'm not going to put it on its hanger and stick it back in the closet yet, but I get the impression I won't be using it a whole lot anymore. This is sort of a shame, because that coat has a lot of pockets to put things in. The springtime one doesn't, really.
Like a lot of other humans, I enjoy Achewood quite a bit, but there have been aspects of its recent writing that sort of defy reason, wry little feats of phrasery that, while not totally unprecedented, are still more or less unmatched anywhere else on the damn internet. Let's not bother with endlessly quoting lines from the strip or the blogs some of the characters keep -- you can just read them from there. The thing that really seals it for me is the quasi-daily "Current baby status" update at the bottom of the main page; the author and his wife had a baby a little while ago, and the bone-dry matter-of-factness with which he deals with this new reality is pretty much the antidote to every Cute Baby Thing On The Internet ever.
I haven't shaved in two consecutive mornings and I am totally fascinated by the feel of my own face. I left it that way today primarily as a reminder to myself: Buy soap. And also replacement razorblades. So I'm going to do that pretty soon.
Here's one for you:
My vast network of spies has informed me that Bizzle turned three today. Bizzle's owner (my friend Jenny, who's on the other coast) doesn't do "rabbit years," I don't think, which I'll be honest and say is a system I prefer, too.