Thursday, August 18, 2005


Indulge me for a second; I feel like this is funny, but probably only if you've been subjected to the final track on Kanye West's debut album.

On one of the messageboards I'm on, my friend Rebecca had this to say:


Actually, really cool.

Kanye West Calls For End to Gay Bashing.

I wish more musicians would step up and try to make the world a little bit better. This almost makes me like Kanye West (almost).


My pal Adam chimed in with:


New headline:
ADAM G CALLS FOR AN END TO KANYE WEST BASHING. He's a talented producer (yeah, he puts together stuff for some of the annoying rappers we hear out there, but he does work for the good ones too, making socially conscious hip-hop lyrics easier to listen to) and though he can't rap with the best of 'em and he's a tad full of himself, he can write good lyrics and catchy beats. COLLEGE DROPOUT IS A GOOD ALBUM!!!! Where's my man Steve P when I need him most?


Have you heard the last track on The College Dropout, though? If you have, then my joke will make perfect sense:


New new headline:
KANYE WEST CALLS FOR ADDITIONAL 20 MINUTES TO BE ADDED TO COMPACT DISC FORMAT. "I need more space to put a track on the end of my next album," West explained, "another track that has a pretty good beat, but instead of rapping, it'll just be me talking again, you know what I'm sayin'. I don't feel like I had enough time, you know, to talk about how that album got made, my career and stuff, 'cause I was talkin' with Mos Def the other day, you know Mos, he just be doin' his thing, and I was like 'Mos, you hungry, I think I want a sandwich,' and Mos, he like 'Kanye, that sound like a good idea,' and so we bug on down to the sandwich shop that I like, which they don't put pickles on they meatball sub, and I hate pickles, but Mos he like 'em for some reason, but it's cool, we still cool, and I think that day it was like $6.99 for my sandwich 'cause I wanted to try that new Sprite Remix flavor, which was a'ight, and so we sittin' down with our sandwiches and I was like 'Mos, what you think about maybe gettin' some more time on the end of the CD to talk about shit, you feelin' me?' and Mos, he like 'I think they forgot to give me ketchup with my fries,' that nigga crazy about ketchup on he fries. And so after he gets his ketchup back, I take another sip of my Sprite Remix whatever it was, and I'm like 'I don't know if I like this as good as regular Sprite, but it's OK, it seem to be at least partially fruit-based,' I like things that have some real fruit flavor to them, you know what I'm sayin', none of that artificial shit, like in wack-ass producers' beats and shit, but Mos, he like 'That stuff a'ight, but Dr. Pepper where it's at for me personally,' and that shit don't make no sense to me, Dr. Pepper always taste like cough syrup or some shit as far as I'm concerned, you know, but I let it slide 'cause Mos cool, we cool, and then I start thinking about"

The report cuts off there for some reason.
